Open Platform

Reliable and practical transport of people and equipment is a prerequisite for working in outdoor areas. Karhof designs and builds solutions that prove themselves in all weather conditions. Open bodies, closed bodies, tippers: as an experienced builder of lightweight bodies, we understand what you need and what you work best with. Our payload packages are tailored to your transport needs.

We know what to look out for without you having to ask us. We combine sustainability and safety with reasonable cost. Our products easy service and maintenance keeps 'downtime' to a minimum.

In the open platform category we present you three basic models:

Whichever model you choose, we will make the loading platform completely custom-made. Completely tailored to your work and working day.

Open Platform Models

Beste Bak Open

  • Strong and robust

  • Ease of use

  • Customizable

  • Low floor height

  • For all types of cargo

  • Fits any chassis

  • Anodized or powder coated

  • 2 year warranty

Beste Bak Tipper

  • Completely customized

  • Low floor height

  • Long lifespan

  • One or three sided tipping

  • Ease of use

  • Fits any chassis

  • Anodized or powder coated

  • 2 year warranty

Beste Bak Garbage Hauler

  • Low floor height

  • Tipping backwards

  • Long lifespan

  • Ease of use

  • Customizable

  • Fits any chassis

  • Anodized or raw aluminum

  • 2 year warranty

Lowest Carbon Footprint Ever


Other Fairway EV Accessories


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Beste Bak XL Light

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Beste Bak XL

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Contact Us
16890 Church St Building 1,
Morgan Hill, CA 95037